Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Unexpectedly Out Today

My daughter got sick in the car on the way to the sitter this morning, so I had to turn around and drive home. I have "emergency" sub plans but the last I checked, a sub couldn't be found to cover me today. I'm not sure if he music teacher is doubling up her classes, but I wanted everyone to know when your child comes home today saying they didn't have art. I will be back tomorrow. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Painted Snowflakes

Kindergarten artists are painting a snowflake on their "extra art day" (Monday rotation day). I read the book, Snow, by Cynthia Rylant and we discussed how no two snowflakes are the same. I pulled up many different snowflakes on the smartboard for inspiration and we talked about the lines we saw on the snowflakes: straight up-and-down, straight side-to-side and straight diagonal.
Children chose the 9x9" color of paper they wanted and used white paint to make their snowflake making sure some of the lines touched the edge of the paper. After the snowflake was on the drying rack, I sprinkled iridescent glitter over the top.

(more pictures will be added tomorrow after the paintings are dry)

Monday, December 8, 2014

Miss Zimmerman's last day...

Miss Zimmerman's last day will be this Thursday, December 11th. She is graduating from Miami University on Friday, December 12! She has been a HUGE asset to the art program here at MECC and will miss her dearly. The district who hires her will be very lucky to have her.
She is going to get on the sub list for Mason, so hopefully we will see her around the building soon! :-) 

Pinch Pots Continued...

Pinch pots were painted last week with underglaze. Underglaze is a paint that goes on the clay either before the clay is fired or sometimes after the clay is fired. The underglaze is non-toxic and food safe. Kindergartners are painting a color pattern on the outside of the bowl and a single color on the inside. They could choose from: red, black, yellow, blue or green.

I am still firing pinch pots. the kiln gets to almost 1900 degrees and takes around 6 hours to fire. After the pinch pots are fired and cooled, I will have the children paint a top clear glaze over their pinch pot (which will be this week). This will make the pot shiny and safe to eat and drink from. After the clear glaze is on, I have to fire the pots again. Pinch pots will come home late January.

 Glazed pinch pots.

 Finished pinch pots (only some of 2 classes done)
Firing all of the pinch pots a 2nd time will take me a couple of weeks after we return from winter break. I have to make sure the glaze isn't covering the bottom of the pinch pots; if it does, I have to wipe it off so the pinch pot doesn't stick to the shelf in the kiln and get stuck.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Texture Pendants

Kindergarten artists are creating texture pendants this week. We are reviewing what texture (how something feels) is and how the clay they are getting this week is different from the clay they made their pinch pot from (last week they received brown clay like Native Americans and this week they are getting white). The children will feel the bottom of their shoe and look at the design. The design from the bottom of their shoe will be the design on the pendant.

The texture pendant will be a wearable piece of art when done. I am showing pictures of Olympic medals and pendant necklaces that women wear. We are discussing how the pendant is round and hangs down off of a ribbon or chain. I am also showing pendants from our Native American book so the children can see that people make jewelry.

The steps to make a pendant:
1. Roll the clay until it is a nice smooth ball.
2. Place the ball on the fabric mat.
3. Step on it 1 time.
4. Pick it up off of the mat, turn it over to the back and write initials.
5. Let it dry (I am making the hole towards the top so the children can string the pendant when fired and dry).
The pendants should be dry within a couple of days. As soon as they are, I plan to fire them in the kiln and my hope is that the children will be able to paint them next week!

 Rolling the clay into a ball.

 Setting the ball of clay down on the  fabric mat

 Stepping on the ball of clay.


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Art to Remember coming home....

Art to Remember orders are in!!! They arrived a week earlier than expected. The boxes are being delivered today to the classroom teachers and they are going to pass out the orders to the children tomorrow. Your child should be bringing home their order tomorrow, so please check their backpack!

The legacy tiles have not shipped yet. They are expected to ship in January. After I receive the tiles, I will install them and let you know where they are hanging up.

Thank you again for all of your support of the arts and making Art to Remember a HUGE success this year!!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Bubble prints

Kindergartners are making bubble prints on Monday "extra art day". We are discussing the order of colors in a rainbow and how to make a print. They are turning out great and the kids are having a blast!