Friday, January 22, 2016


Students painted their clay pendants this past week with metallic acrylic paint. Students chose from a variety of colors and were allowed to paint their pendant however they wanted. Once the paint is dry, I will have students string their pendant, add beads and wear it home.

If your child typically has art on Friday and they came home this week saying they had art it is because I took my Friday classes throughout the week on my planning time to get them caught up from missing art on Dec. 18th (the work day). The Friday classes had to glaze their pinch pots AND paint their pendants. It's been a crazy busy, tiring week for this 33 week pregnant teacher!!

I will be catching up my Wednesday art classes on the Monday rotation days these next couple of weeks.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Pinch pots almost ready to come home!

I have been firing like crazy to get the pinch pots ready for the children to bring home and they look absolutely AMAZING!!!! 

The kiln fires for about 10 hours and gets to 1922 degrees. It takes the kiln a good 14 hours to cool down enough for me to take them out and I can only fit 3-4 classes at a time. The plan is to have students bring home their pinch pot next week! 

Friday classes are behind since we had a teacher work day in December. I plan to use my planning time next week taking those classes and having them glaze their pots. Friday classes will bring home their pots the following week. 
 The pots not glazed in the pictures are from students who were absent or just made one because they are new to the school or were absent when we created the pinch pots.